about me

I am a certified intuitive eating counselor living in Washington with my husband, Alec, and our sweet and spirited French Bulldog, Clementine.

My background includes a bachelors degree from the University of Pittsburgh in Nutrition and Dietetics, a diploma in holistic nutrition with a focus in culinary nutrition, as well as a certification in intuitive eating from The Original Intuitive Eating Pros®.

I spend my days developing recipes, writing content for social media or TBHB Collective, and virtually meeting with members.

On my days off, you can find me taking hot girl walks with my dog, exploring the Pacific Northwest, or checking out a new restaurant with my husband.

my career

At the start of my education and career, I felt really aligned with holistic nutrition because I felt strongly that food had so much more to offer than just calories and that the mind and body connection was important for wellbeing. I was really passionate about sharing the healing power of food with the world through nutrition education and cooking.

And while I still believe in all of those things, after spending time coaching people through behavior changes in the real world, I realized that what would benefit people even more than eating the most nourishing foods was letting go of the pressure to change their body, adjusting their expectations of what health and wellness could look like for them, and building a healthy, lasting relationship with food that allowed for food to be more than just fuel — that we could embrace and celebrate eating food for flavor, comfort, expression, tradition, and culture, too.

Intuitive eating is what I had really been looking for; a weight-neutral approach to health that rejects diet culture, nurtures body respect and self-compassion, fosters a connection with the body’s hunger and fullness cues, encourages an “add” rather than restrict approach to nutrition, and integrates both internal wisdom and external knowledge to reach authentic health.

And after becoming a certified intuitive eating counselor, I have dedicated my career to creating and sharing educational content and resources to help clients and followers pursue what authentic health means for them.

the balanced homebody philosophy

To me, a homebody is someone who feels safe, happy, and centered at home. A homebody is also a person who works to feel at home in their body. They strive to embrace, respect, and care for their home as it is by learning to listen to its ever evolving needs, practicing self-care and self-compassion, and providing the physical and emotional nourishment it needs to flourish.

I believe health and nutrition has gotten overcomplicated and the abundance of conflicting information along with our society’s obsession with wellness has created a perfect storm where people’s stress about their food choices is causing more disruption and doing more harm than any one food could.

TBHB was born out of wanting to create a safe and welcoming space for everybody (and every body) to redefine what wellness means for them, cultivate a strong nutrition foundation that allows people to confidently build meals to support all of their needs and think critically about new diet and health information, and ignite a mindset shift that puts self-respect, self-compassion, and self-care at the center of our wellness plan.

We’re taught that the only way to be well is to restrict, eliminate, and follow other people’s plans but that couldn’t be further from the truth! You are an expert of your body. And like any good expert knows, the learning is never over! Each day is an opportunity to observe with curiosity rather than judgement and learn more about your body’s needs and preferences.

If these ideas and approaches resonate with you and you’re interested in learning more, consider:

  • Subscribing to my monthly newsletter, Well Balanced Wednesdays via the homepage

  • Joining my monthly membership, The Balanced Homebody Collective for additional on-going support and resources (more details below)

  • Following my social media pages (@thebalancedhomebody) to stay in the loop

  • Reaching out via email or DM to explore integrating these ideas into your life and see if we’re a good fit for working together!

Lastly, I want to remind you that wellness is not a destination. A healthy relationship with your body and food is a lifelong process — one where you are constantly being challenged to listen, reflect, learn, and grow.

You are worthy of the time and effort it takes to become a happy and thriving balanced homebody.

Thanks for being here,


The Balanced Homebody Collective Membership is here!

Do you feel exhausted by mixed messages when it comes to health and nutrition?

Are you frustrated by a lack of realistic and supportive middle ground between following strict diet rules and “just listening to your body”?

Do you want to find what eating and health habits work well for your body and lifestyle, but don’t know where to start?

The Balanced Homebody Collective is an evolving online membership space designed to help you unlearn the inaccurate and harmful beliefs that you’ve been taught around food, movement, bodies, and health, and relearn how to approach wellness through a weight-neutral, non-diet, balanced mindset for resilient body image and sustainable supportive habits.

It offers 10 foundational core modules created by a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor with a growing library of additional lessons, resources, recipes, and meal plan inspiration added monthly.

follow along.