
Wellness Angela Ajhar Wellness Angela Ajhar

Building an Emergency Nutrition Toolkit

In times of high stress, overstimulation, trauma, and grief, our body's messages may be temporarily offline… leaving it really challenging to decide what to eat. We may also be faced with a lot of tough decisions, and adding what to eat on top of that can be exhausting and feel impossible.

During these times, it can be helpful to have a plan for how to keep us nourished with minimal effort and thought.

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Wellness Angela Ajhar Wellness Angela Ajhar

Positive Ways to Assess your Overall Wellbeing

We often assume weight, diet, and exercise are the only determinants of our health. The truth is, every body is different and health is complex and nuanced. Diet and exercise are only two pieces of a very large puzzle. Having one picture of health that we compare ourselves to is inaccurate and incredibly harmful. Still, striving to understand and care for our bodies requires us to check-in and assess how we are doing daily. Luckily, there are many ways to measure our wellbeing we are without looking at our physical body.

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

What Can Balanced Eating at a Summer Gathering Look Like?

We welcome the opportunities that summer brings to spend time outdoors, reconnect with family and friends, and relax and unwind. But for many, summer also brings a lot of stress that can lead to imbalance in their lives.

Summer is an especially difficult season to maintain a balanced relationship with food and your body… It’s 100% okay and completely normal if you’re struggling with finding balance this summer. You’re already balancing so much!

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Angela Ajhar Angela Ajhar

Six Things to Reflect on Before Eating

Figuring out what to eat is not always the easiest task, especially when you have to do it multiple times a day, every day. But your next meal shouldn’t be taking up too much real estate in that big, beautiful brain of yours, either.

A big part of intuitive eating is always trying to maintain an open line of communication between our bodies and our minds. While it seems like a daunting task at first, regularly checking in with yourself can become second nature with…

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

What Does it Mean to be Consistently and Adequately Nourished?

In nutrition and intuitive eating spaces, we often talk about eating consistently and adequately as the golden ticket to being satisfied and nourished by our meals while maintaining healthy energy and nutrient levels. But what does that really mean?

There are many nuances to healthy eating. This is why we don’t have one diet or eating style that works best for every single human on the planet. Our individual genes, needs, preferences, and access all play huge roles in what and how we eat. So when I say our goal is to eat consistently and adequately, know that…

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

Why I Started Using Real Butter and Why a Little Part of My Soul Dies Every Time I Use a Gluten-free Hashtag

In this profession and social media space, it’s really easy to allow SEOs (Search Engine Optimization) to drive everything you create and share. If you don’t give the people what they want, no one will share your content, no one will pay you to work with them, and quite frankly with all these algorithms, no one will even know your corner of the internet even exists…

The reason why these types of SEOs are so popular, pressuring every blogger to use them (including me), is that the general population is under the misconception that eliminating ingredients makes food healthier and worthy.

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Nutrition, Lifestyle Angela Ajhar Nutrition, Lifestyle Angela Ajhar

How to Build your Own Pantry, Fridge, and Freezer Staples

One of the principles of a healthy lifestyle through practicing intuitive eating is honoring our hunger. Instead of viewing hunger as something that needs to be managed, tamed, or stifled, we learn to see signs of hunger as an opportunity to check in with what our body needs… We may even begin to look forward to hunger as an invitation to take a break from our busy day and show respect and appreciation for our body by providing it with the nourishment it needs to thrive. 

Eating is an important and often overlooked part of daily self-care…

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating has gained a lot of popularity over the last few years, in part due to the momentum of the anti-diet and body peace movement on social media. While it’s so exciting to see the curiosity surrounding an alternative to dieting and the interest in rejecting diet culture and the patriarchal, Eurocentric, and fatphobic beauty ideals our society has adopted, I also think it’s important to talk about what intuitive eating actually is…

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

An Introduction to Mindful Meal Planning

Planning or preparing meals ahead of time can be a game changer when it comes to eating well. What I love about using these tools is how easily adjustable they are to changes in our schedule, budget, or preferences.

Eating is an essential form of self-care. How we get our food to our plate can also be a self-care experience as well. Grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking can all be fulfilling ways to take time out of your day to provide your body with what it needs to survive and thrive. For me, meal planning is one of the most important self-care tasks that I do all week because it prepares me to meet my needs and eliminates anxiety when suddenly my stomach is rumbling and I’m asking myself “What’s for dinner?”

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

Eating Well on a Budget

One of my most frequently asked questions is how to eat well on a budget. Rightfully so, its a major concern for people who are wanting to transition to a healthier lifestyle. In order to address this barrier, I think its important to reexamine what healthy food can be.

Can it be canned or frozen? Is a banana from a bodega less nutritious than a banana from Whole Foods? Does it have to be organic and non-GMO? (Absolutely. No. Also no.)

Let’s talk about why.

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