
Wellness Angela Ajhar Wellness Angela Ajhar

Positive Ways to Assess your Overall Wellbeing

We often assume weight, diet, and exercise are the only determinants of our health. The truth is, every body is different and health is complex and nuanced. Diet and exercise are only two pieces of a very large puzzle. Having one picture of health that we compare ourselves to is inaccurate and incredibly harmful. Still, striving to understand and care for our bodies requires us to check-in and assess how we are doing daily. Luckily, there are many ways to measure our wellbeing we are without looking at our physical body.

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

What Does it Mean to be Consistently and Adequately Nourished?

In nutrition and intuitive eating spaces, we often talk about eating consistently and adequately as the golden ticket to being satisfied and nourished by our meals while maintaining healthy energy and nutrient levels. But what does that really mean?

There are many nuances to healthy eating. This is why we don’t have one diet or eating style that works best for every single human on the planet. Our individual genes, needs, preferences, and access all play huge roles in what and how we eat. So when I say our goal is to eat consistently and adequately, know that…

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Nutrition Angela Ajhar Nutrition Angela Ajhar

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating has gained a lot of popularity over the last few years, in part due to the momentum of the anti-diet and body peace movement on social media. While it’s so exciting to see the curiosity surrounding an alternative to dieting and the interest in rejecting diet culture and the patriarchal, Eurocentric, and fatphobic beauty ideals our society has adopted, I also think it’s important to talk about what intuitive eating actually is…

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